This episode of Finding Angels shows the story of a particular person name Sook Mei. She has been having illness after illness falls upon her. She is in a wheelchair and she has a hole on her side (not sure left or right) to help her pass urine. And recently she was diagnosed of having stage 1 stomach cancer. I cried when the show talks about her condition. I guess I could get emotional high when I heard such story.
When we are facing some problem, we always thought that we are the most unlucky person on earth. After watching the show, I realise we should not be comparing and complaining as there could be someone out there experiencing even worst condition. At least currently I could still pay my bills, buy most of the things I like, travel frequently to Thailand and a lot more other things. Although I could not eat what I like, I could not travel freely to other country due to my diet, waiting and hoping each medical check up turns up blank and etc but I am glad that I am still able to walk, see and eat properly.
I am going for my medical check up this Friday. I hope all the discomfort that I am feeling is due to my brain reacting to the uncertainty which could be mentally instead of physically. I hope the angel is still with me as in all my previous 2 visits. I hope the angel is still holding onto the counter, forbidding it to start clicking and counting down…..
Hey, you will be fine, just keeping hoping, and everything's gonna be alright!! Don't forget, you have to continue being my spy, you know?! :)
Lynne, oh yeah ah need to spy... soo bond is ready...
Jumbled Mind, thanks...
dude, m sure u hv done lotsa good things, may the merits u gv gained be showered upon u..may u be well and happy always... mai pen rai!!
Take care and don't worry too much. :)
i'm sure you'll pass the medical exam with flying colours :)
pak, no worry man.
u r going to retire 3 years from now (hehehe always want to retire at age of 40, and i always believe that he can do it)
then still enjoy life for another 50 years...(enough or not another 50 years leh)
Crossing my fingers for your medical exam, my prayers with you !!!
Keatix, lets hope... Kob Khun Mak Mak..
AdieJin, Durian I was told never never to touch the king of fruit again...hahaha anyway thanks man maybe after my "5 year" period....
De Book Worm and Letti, thanks ya...
Zipporah32, the clock mouse, oh I got it from a website. I just copy and paste and it works... hahaha Glad that the angel is protecting you...
LeeCS, Yeap my retirement plan is somehow shaken by my medical condition by I will still work towards it... another 50 years? to many ... hahaha
Selba.... thanks ya...
ya, me from sarawak. i believe most of us after watching this kind of tv show will have the same feeling. but need not to cry, we have to be strong for those who are suffering coz they need our help, not our sympathy.. so just do ur best for the people around u, be cool.. coz i believe u are the angel as well. May God bless u and all the people with Love..
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