A machine that could gives hope or also sadness to its users. Everybody walks in the room, praying and guessing. All the what if question running around their head, amplifier by the confuse answer and explanation given by the doctors which are the one recommended them to have their body probe and expose to radiation and radio waves. Whatever result it brings it will definitely change a portion of their life.
My discomforts such as wind in the stomach, headache and tingle of pain on my chest have not really been answered but I guess it’s a result my family, relative, friends and me would like to hear. The blood result will only be available on Monday. I guess I would need to monitor my situation, if it becomes worse, it will be another round of check up. Let’s hope whatever discomfort I am feeling will goes away. The waiting games continues…
AdieJin, Thanks my man.. Not really worry..I just hate the trip to the doctor... hahaha
I hope all comes out ok!! I will be sending good thoughts your way!!!!!!
My David has to be checked every 6 months to check & see if his cancer comes back, even thought they took a part of his kidney there still might be some that styed behind!!
GODD LUCK!!! keep us posted on the results!!
Jumble mind, thanks a lot ya...
Monica, so far the scan is alright but my test result is not so good... Cholestrol is high, kidney function is suspect..liver function also...
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